Getting Started with 3DEC
2025年3月11日 - 2025年3月12日

Objectives of the training:

•Understand the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D numerical approach and the types ofproblems it can solve
•Know how to manipulate the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D user interface to access andinterpret results
•Follow the recommended solution procedure to simulate a simple case

Python in Itasca Software
2025年3月26日 - 2025年3月27日

FLAC3D 7.0 Plot Range Tutorial

This tutorial will show how to create and manipulate plot range elements in FLAC3D. Each plot-item in a plot may have one or more range elements that shows the portion which lies within the defined range, while removing from view the portion of the plot-item that lies outside it. Plot-item ranges may also be copied and applied to other plot-items.

Python and Pore Pressure Initialization

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to map a random point cloud with pore pressure values onto the grid points of a FLAC3D model using Python.

An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 3

Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 3 focuses on modules and packages, with a focus on NumPy and Matplotlib.

Quantifying the Effect of Localized Depressurization on a Deep Underground Ore Body at the Mcarthur River Mine through Cross Hole Hydraulic Testing and Groundwater Modeling

The McArthur River mine in northern Saskatchewan is the largest single producer of uranium in the world.

Numerical modelling and seismicity at the Kiirunavaara Mine

What’s happening at the Kiirunavaara Mine?

Deep Sublevel Cave Mining and Surface Influence

With increasing depth, higher stress and more difficult mining. With increasing depth is there more ground surface effects or less?

  • Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9 Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9, revolutionizing the way we analyze and predict...
  • 6th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling The next Itasca Symposium will take place June 3 - 6, 2024, in Toronto, Canada....

11 3月
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectives of the training: •Understand the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D numerical approach and the types ofproblems it can solve•Know how to manipul...
26 3月
Python in Itasca Software